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Stephen Macallan

Lets talk Prostate Health

This year (2000) has seen the health service publicise prostate problems for the male population. Problems such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer currently affect 1 in 12 men and there is talk of screening all men over 50 on the grounds that early detection leads to early and more successful treatment. Current treatment for prostate cancer consists in surgery, radiation, hormonal therapy and drugs, which all have limited effectiveness and cause impotence and incontinence in 80% of cases.

The prostate is a small chestnut- shaped organ located under the bladder and it envelops the urinary canal near to the perineum - the perineum is the small area between the scrotum and the anus. The medical examination of a prostate is done via the rectum. The prostate functions to provide semen, which is the fluid medium carrying sperm which is ejaculated during sex. Early symptoms of abnormal prostate function are generally the same whether the prostate dysfunction be malignancy or benign hypertrophy - the typical symptoms are frequent nocturnal urination and frequent urination generally, often with only small amounts of urine, increased urgency to urinate and delay when you get there, and a stop/start flow. When the situation is worsening there may be pain in and around the scrotum, incontinence, pain after a bowel movement, pain during and after sex and difficulties with having sex, partial or complete loss of libido.

The cause of prostate problems may well be elevated levels of oestrogen and low levels of testosterone, in other words an hormonal imbalance. In most cases low testosterone can be remedied by using a natural testosterone supplement like DNA Lean Test-FX. However there are also many other factors influencing the male hormonal balance - one well-established factor are the xeno-oestrogens in the environment. Xeno-oestrogens are chemicals with an oestrogen-like structure, and the two primary sources of these are plastics and industrial waste, a third, albeit lesser source is the volume of synthetic hormone excreted by women who are on hormone therapy of some sort - either HRT or the contraceptive pill. Natural female hormones are produced and decayed within the body, some of them within minutes and none taking more than an hour to decay, whereas synthetic hormones do not decay, instead they are excreted out of the body and into the sewage system and then into the environment, taking months and even years to decay and become harmless. These hormones enter into the food chain and accumulate in the body of humans and animals worldwide wreaking havoc with all species - hermaphrodite fish in the rivers and lakes in England, male crocodiles in Africa whose penises are too small to successfully copulate, Asian girls who menstruate and grow pubic hair and breasts at three years of age in India. And, of course cause human male prostate problems.

Synthetic female hormones are only part of the story, a bigger factor is plastics and industrial waste produce by plastics factories. Despite the common perception, plastic is not inert, it dissolves - into water, fat, indeed, into any liquid, particularly when exposed to air and then enters the body and acts alike-enough to oestrogen to cause the body to react as though it were oestrogen. In men it can lower the sperm count (note that average sperm count has dropped from 200.000 per emission in 1950 to less than 50,000 per emission today). And, of course it contributes to human male prostate problems.

The third factor in this ghastly tale of male woe is the dietary factor - an insufficiency of dietary vegetable sterols in an unhealthy diet - especially milk, cheese, chocolate polyunsaturated and hydrogenated vegetable oils. Other dietary factors stressing the prostate include coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, both medical and recreational, not consuming a minimum of 2 litres of water a day. Further stress factors include, wearing too tight clothes, emotional stress, too little sex, too much sex, radiation from X-rays, exposure to environmental toxins such as mercury from amalgam fillings, cadmium from the food chain, fluoride, pesticides from the food chain and chemicalised, processed foods.

These stress factors on the prostate lead to hormonal imbalances and lymphatic congestion which increases the toxic load on the body which further stresses the prostate, resulting in inflammation, congestion, enlargement and general deterioration of prostate function, which may then go on to become cancerous. Factoring in the dietary problem of too much bad fat (margarine, hydrogenated oils, polyunsaturated oils, but especially milk, cream and cheese) and not enough good fat (olive, flax, sesame, coconut and hemp oil and butter) results in clogged and congested ducts within the prostate causing chronic inflammation and infection.

This all paints a bleak picture and the statistics above illustrate the scale of the problem. Maintaining a healthy prostate or restoring health to a diseased one requires persistence and a little work. Firstly, drink 2 litres of bottled, filtered or preferably distilled water daily - if you do nothing else, over time this small step will help- then increase your intake of good fats and decrease your intake of bad fats. Supplement your diet with natural vitamin E oil, cod liver oil and flax seed oil and eat nuts and seeds, this will help to regulate your fat metabolism and improve prostate function and hormone balance. Then get your toxic load checked, especially mercury, cadmium, aluminium, fluoride and lead and eliminate your exposure to these pollutants by throwing away aluminium cookware, have your amalgam fillings replaced, use fluoride-free toothpaste, check the water pipes in your house, stop drinking fizzy drinks etc.

Finally consult with an herbalist/nutrionalist to cleanse and detoxify your prostate and your body generally, using herbs and dietary supplements as needed. Remember that the health of your prostate and indeed every part of you is directly related to your lifestyle. Who and what you are now is the summation of all that has entered into you less all that has left you.

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